1.There are a few tools I used: Brush for shadowing, Quickselect in replacement of lasso tool, the eraser for trimming 
2. Many diffrent ways, you can use the quick select instead of lasso, and use that to trim the outside of pictures,
3. Resolution is pretty much the quality of the photo, the higher the resolution the more defined it is -> High Resolution= High Definiton  
4. Pixels are micro dots that comprise the computer screen
5. A higher pixel count (1600x1600) > (34x34) = better quality photos
6 .The difference between vector and raster image; is that raster images are composed of pixels, while vector images are composed of paths.
Paths are lines or curves, while Raster is individual pixels comprising a singular photo.
Fun Fact: Most companies use paths for logos, because if you enlarge a raster photo, pixels get larger, and t

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